Today’s Beverage: Chai Tea Latte (It’s raining, it fits)
Today’s Goodie: Cranberry Walnut Biscotti (homemade at Kneaders)
Today’s Cozy Moment: Wrapped up in the book reading blanket, on the porch, on a cool, overcast, semi rainy, Sunday afternoon, reading the last 100 pages of “The Host” and crying my eyes out
“The Host”
Okay, “The Host” is finished and one thing I have to say is “be prepared”.
Make sure you have a box of Kleenex ready and a whole Sunday afternoon to read the last 100 pages and recover from the crying headache because people, this one will tear you up.
It is 100% different than what I thought it would be like and I was not prepared so now, on Monday morning, I am suffering. Big time. I have a crying headache the size of Texas and I just might possibly have a broken heart.
Or maybe not.
But, I’m just saying.
Be prepared.
(You know, this is a book about body snatchers, do they really have the right to twist and tug at our hearts this way?) That is so not fair.
I do have to say though, that I loved it. I did not want to love these Vampire/Body Snatcher type books or movies;
I do not want to have a whole other unknown world that I have missed for the first 40 something years of my life and now feel like I need to explore.
I do not have time for all this.
I have now planned in my head an entire weekend devoted to “True Blood” (menu and guest list and all) and decided that I need to buy the box set of the “Sookie Stackhouse” series and we are in a recession and I am not sure that this is such a good idea.
I am re-reading all the “Twilight” books and the Nora Roberts “Circle Trilogy” just to be thrifty (I already own these books he he). So, I am trying, but honestly, I might need therapy.
I went to the midnight showing of the “Twilight” movie for crying out loud (this was AT MIDNIGHT!!!).
What have I been missing? I have been trying desperately to get people to venture down this road with me because, well, I’m scared to go it alone.
There is a new series that started called “The Vampire Diaries” and I am toying with the idea of DVRing this but it is on at the same time as “Bones” and “NCIS” and I am wondering if it is really going to be worth it.
I have been devoted to these other shows for a while now.
And really, there is no such thing, right? Of vampires, I mean. I know that there are “pretend” vampires and “wanna be” vampires, but real ones? I don’t think so.
I mean there would probably be proof by now. And I have heard nothing. Unless they keep it on the “down low” and it is kept from the general public…………
Unless our bodies have been snatched by “souls” and we only know what “they” want us to know……….
Couldn’t happen. I mean I’m at work and it is raining and I have a very tiny window in my office it is a little spooky right now but I think I am still “me”.
And I don’t know.
I give up.
I do not want to like these books!!!
Oh, and “Eastwick” starts this week. Really? Witches? This is sick!!
I am soooo watching it!
Please tell me what you thought of “The Host”.
Did you cry?
Did you get a crying headache?
Read it and tell me if I am alone in all this or not.
I feel kinda stupid.
Because I feel a little alone.
oh mom, i'm glad you're back! i will have to read this next, so i can relate! i love you!! :)
ReplyDeletehaha you are so cute mom! I watched Vampire Diaries lastnight! It looks like it could be pretty good! The make-up artist deserves an award compared to the Twilight one!
ReplyDeleteI have the first Sookie Stackhouse book if you want to borrow it!!! I'm coming to see Grandma on Saturday so I'll bring it in case you want it.
ReplyDeleteOh.. and you won't need a box of tissues. Which is nice.
I didn't cry during the host! I don't like the whole alien thing, its kind of creepy. But I feel the same as you about vampires. I need recommendations for another romantic series like twilight. I read the whole series for a second time last month, and could read it again. But I think if I did Kevin would make fun of me. I told him I only was reading them again because he is always gone and I need some kind of romance in my life.;)