Friday, November 13, 2009

My Boyfriends Back...

My Boyfriend’s Back…..

Today’s Beverage: Café Latte

Today’s Goodie: Pumpkin Muffin (from Mimi’s Café)

Today’s Cozy Moment: Hot Bath with “The Boyfriend” bath bubbler and “New Moon”

Movie of the Month-“Dan in Real Life” and/or “Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist”

Book of the Month- “New Moon” if you are still working on that or “The Circle Trilogy” by Nora Roberts. The first book is “Morrigans Cross”. If you need another recommendation on this, ask Robyn. She read them and loved them. Very romantic.

Recipe of the Month-Staci’s famous All Occasion Chex Mix

Assignment of the Month-Make a check list of things to do on a beautiful day in November.

Emptythetrash is back and I am so happy. I celebrated by gussying myself up with new beauty products and I noticed the funniest trend.

I started by taking a long hot bath and washing my hair with my new solid shampoo by The Orchid Experience in “The Boyfriend” scent and then used conditioner in the same scent. I loved them both and I have to tell you, I was reluctant because I just wasn’t sure about the solid shampoo thing. I wasn’t sure how my new lovely red highlights for fall would react but it was fantastic. It really made my hair feel and smell amazing. I then dropped in “The Boyfriend” bath bubbler and ahhhh…. The aromatherapy was divine. I finished by using “The Boyfriend” body cream and I think I might have been in heaven.
Next, I got dressed in new “Boyfriend” jeans and my “Boyfriend” sweater and even topped it off with my “Boyfriend” watch and I thought, ‘What a funny trend.” I had to wear this crocheted flower in my hair (made by the lovely Vicki) just to make sure that no one mistook me for a boy. (yea, that happens to me a lot).

The next day I came down from my “Boyfriend” high with “Meditation” in all the same products from The Orchid Experience. I t was equally as amazing but I didn’t have all the other cool trendy stuff to go with this scent (other than the shea butter that I used on my feet and let me tell ya, my feet are so soft and fragrant) (that sounds gross doesn’t it?) so I spent the day in comfy sweats and got caught up on “Vampire Diaries”.

Posting is tough when you are busy and stressed, but I still love my outside of work life more than my inside of work life, so I will do my best.


√Wear a sweater

√Take a long walk

√Drink a delicious hot Chai Latte from Nordstrom-The very best.

√Make chex mix and add lots of good fall things like peanut m&m’s and cowboy mix

√Make a big pot of chili and eat it with Fritos, cheese and sour cream-yum.

√Buy some pumpkin bread at Kneaders and eat it warm with butter

√Get red highlights in your hair

√Wash your windows

√Have a “Vampire Diaries” Marathon

√Use your fireplace

√Read “New Moon” again or for the first time. Before the movie comes out.

√Learn to crochet and start an afghan

√Watch LSU play Alabama in football-eek-(they lost;( so sad)

√Buy some fresh pressed apple juice and drink it ice cold with crushed ice

√Eat at ‘Pizza Factory” and order the delicious Margarita Pizza and get a cinnamon sugar breadstick with sweet cream. So good.

√Forgive yourself for mistakes you made at work

√Cuddle with emptythetrash or your significant other all you can

√Say prayers

Have a nice day!


  1. My girlfriend Staci gave you permission to cuddle with emptythetrash, but I'm taken. You will have to find your own person to cuddle with.

  2. i love your blog mom :) you are so cute. this post is great. and i will totally go to pizza factory and Pirate Radio with you! i love you!
